Women of Worth (WOW)
Women of Worth
Our Mission

Women of Worth is a conference is woman conference that Proclaim good news of freedom to all His captive daughters around the world of all ages.We believe with the power of God and His word we can awaken the Sleeping Beauty’s. To remind you of what Christ has already done for you and that as an heir, you no longer have to live like a slave. many women seem to have it all together outwardly, but inside they are a wreck. Their past has broken, crushed, and wounded them inwardly. They can be healed. God has a plan, and Isaiah 61 reveals that the Lord came to heal the brokenhearted. He wants to heal victims of abuse and emotional wounding. victim of the physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse she suffered as a child.
Our Vision
Our vision is to comfort the broken hearts. To remind you that you’re not alone.
To remind you that you are a beautiful in Glory and in God’s hand and are being daily transformed by His splendor. You have heard the words “modest” and “fashion” paired together. To encourage you to keep going and that every sacrifice is worth it all in the end. we encourage you to become the best YOU that you can be, for His glory.
Our Core Value
To remind you how loved you are. To let you know that you are beautiful. And most importantly, this page here to say that you don’t have to conform to the design of this world. Like Esther, we have won favor in the eyes of the King, our father in heaven, and he has equipped us with the ability to do whatever he asks of us, even if it seems impossible. He has placed us in the position we are in for a PURPOSE. As women we can often feel insecure about our meaning, as to why we’re here on this earth and often question our worth. But little do we know that there is a magnificent plan in heaven unfolding behind every little detail and area of our lives.
And when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, she won favor in his sight, and he held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand. Then Esther approached and touched the tip of the scepter.” – Esther 5:2 God knows what he’s doing, in time the answer we’ve been willing so much to know will be revealed to us, and we will finally understand why we had to go through a certain season or trial in our lives. There are no mistakes, and there is no wasted time in God’s eyes. Even if it is or was a painful situation he always uses it for his glory. We just have to TRUST him. Be it the hard school years, family situations, an illness, or any other arrow from the enemy that has been put in our way.